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solar racking and tracking systems

Solar ground mount system in Czech Republic -32KW

Jun 05, 2024

Installation Site: Czech Republic

Installation Date: 2024.1

Generating Capacity:32KW

The Czech Republic, located in the heart of Central Europe, is blessed with solar energy resources. In recent years, with the rapid development of global renewable energy, the Czech Republic is also actively promoting the application of solar power generation technology, in which aluminum alloy ground mounting system is favored in the Czech market due to its lightweight, highly corrosion-resistant, and aesthetic characteristics.
Kseng solar demonstrated a case study of a 32KW ground-mounted PV system in the Czech Republic. Through scientific planning and design, the project effectively utilizes local solar energy resources and provides clean energy for the local community. The application of aluminum alloy ground mounting system not only improves the stability and durability of the PV plant, but also becomes a highlight of the local PV project due to its beautiful appearance and lightweight characteristics.
The aluminum alloy ground support system provided by Kseng solar PV is highly pre-assembled and easy to transport, install and construct. Its high standard of surface treatment ensures the high corrosion resistance and stability of the racking system. The lightweight and aesthetically pleasing aluminum alloy material makes the racking system uniformly smooth and resistant to abrasion. In addition, the flexibility of the system's design allows it to be adapted to various terrains and installation requirements

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