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solar racking and tracking systems
Noticias de la exposición

Solar & Storage Live Philippines 2024 - Kseng Solar Drives Sustainable Energy Development in the Philippines with Its Solar Racking Solutions

May 22, 2024

From May 20-21 in Manila, Solar & Storage Live Philippines 2024, the biggest and most important solar and clean energy event in the country, was held successfully attracting 13,500+ visitors. During the two-day exhibition, Kseng Solar showcased its latest solar racking solutions from residential, commercial & industrial (C&I), to utility, aiming to further expand its influence in the Philippines market.

Presented Products

- Roof Solar Mounting Solutions: Metal Roof Mounting System, Tile Roof Mounting System, Ballast Roof Mounting System

- Ground Solar Mounting Solutions: Aluminum Ground Mounting System, Steel Ground Mounting System

- Solar Carport Solution

In recent years, the Philippines has experienced a surge in renewable energy development, with ambitions to raise the solar power share to 5.6% by 2030, a significant increase from 2.4% in 2024. Aligning with this vision, Kseng Solar is committed to supporting the nation’s energy goal by providing top-notch solar racking solutions.

Dedicated in providing solar racking and tracking systems provider since2015 and driven by the mission of “Empowering our world with clean energy”, Kseng Solar will continue to deliver advanced solar racking solutions for multiple scenarios, enabling the people of the Philippines to benefit from sustainable energy.

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